Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Artsy Smartsy

I recently purchased my first piece of real art. Big deal, I know. My walls are, for the most part, decorated in DIY projects or "fake art," if you will. I thought it may be time to branch out a bit. Luckily for me, I didn't have to branch far. My first cousin once removed or my second cousin or my mom's cousin's son, whatever he is, Dylan Murphy is becoming a respected talent in the student photography world. I'm pretty sure he'll soon get very famous and I won't be able to afford a print of his in a million years, so I'm glad I snatched one up when I did. My print is moody and dark, but lovely with all the bokeh.

Isn't the bokeh beautiful? It's like looking out of a window on a rainy day into your enchanting English meadow and seeing your beau staring back at you. Or looking out of a window on a rainy night and seeing a menacing character in a flash of lightning. Either way, I love this print.

I found the frame (after searching for just the perfect one for months) at Home Goods. It was originally cream and blue striped, but I loved the proportions and the heaviness of the wood. It seriously is the frame of my dreams, I just needed to paint it white. Two coats later and voila!

Here's where it lives above my desk!

Below is a link to Dylan's etsy shop and website. Let me know if you make a purchase!



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vacation Inspiration: Coastal California

So, a month ago my lovely friend Jessica came to visit and we took our first coastal vacation. We drove from LA up Hwy 1 to Monterey. Along the way I snapped a few pics of items that I found particularly inspirational for use in decorating.

Our first stop was just south of San Luis Obispo in Avila Beach. We came upon the most awesome farmer's market/petting zoo. We had the best chocolate, strawberry, peanut butter banana split ever and made friends with a ...unique child named Noel ("You guys wanna hear an ancient Greek myth about peacocks?") Well, turns out, we did. Peacock feathers amaze me. The vibrancy of the color, the pattern. How can you look at a peacock and not know there's a God? I have always thought how fun a peacock feather colored wedding would be. For my wedding? No. But for the right person, Gorgeous.

We also toured Hearst Castle, and that's where the majority of the photos come from. It was grand. I'm an army brat who was stationed in Germany in my childhood, so I've seen castles...but this was...something else. It was hard to take everything in, but I tried my hardest to really pinpoint the details that were especially beautiful. Below are photos of some of the tile found throughout the grounds. They all have a modern geometric thing going on, which I've discovered, I gravitate towards. I'll post pics of my apartment soon, so you'll see.

Hearst Castle was home to some amazing gardens and I found a tree I particularly liked with the cutest, most perfect, most stunning flowers ever. These flowers are Pleasantville sweetness personified. (That doesn't really make sense, but go with me here)

How lovely is this flower?!

Jessica and I traveled up the winding, magnificent, edge-of-the-world-dear-God-please-don't-let-us-die highway to Carmel, CA. Ah, Carmel, you still have my heart. We stayed at the Fireplace Inn, because get this, your room has a fireplace. there. in the room! I'll let you get over the excitement. The rooms were tastefully decorated in a relaxed nautical theme with beadboard paneling. But the best part, the BEST PART was the bed spread! I have never seen such elegance. Such modern flair...



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Old Chair, New Chair

So, about a year ago I took on my first real big (for me) DIY project. Refurnishing an old chair. Exciting I know (cue the trumpets). I'm somewhat addicted to Young House Love and they are fantastic as inspiring and motivating newbie DIY'ers with fun simple projects.

I found this sexy beast of a chair at my local Goodwill (Hollywood and Vermontish)

It was old, smelly, and DUSTY. My loving and understanding and very strong boyfriend helped me haul her the 3 long blocks to our
apartment where I promptly set about cleaning this beauty right up. She was washed, sanded, painted and came out looking pretty fab, if I do say so myself.

It was trouble finding just the perfect material to use for the seat, but I settled on this ropey nautical outdoor fabric, which just so happens to match a cute little white lamp sitting atop my desk.

I can't tell you how embarrassingly proud of myself I was for starting then completing this quick little redo in a timely manner. Too proud, much much too proud. Still feelings of self satisfaction...embarrassing, i told ya!