Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Girl can Dream...

I love Polyvore. It is a fantastic tool for brainstorming. The other night, laying in bed, I started thinking about dreams and and the concept of dreams and then it hit me! I could use Polyvore to effectively express a concept or any kind of inspiration, really. First up in what will surely be a series of Inspiration Rooms is the idea of Dreaming. I broke my Dream category down into three Room Ideas, the first of which I call Sleepyhead.

For Sleepyhead, I wanted a room that was plush and lovely that anyone would be happy to get their zzz's on in. I'm kind of obsessed with light blue, so the wall color choice was a no brainer. I loved the glittery stars in the art above the bed and how the pillows mimic the starts with their metallic buttons. I used grey, soft gold, and navy for accent colors. I also love how the yellow flowers really pop in the room. This room is a little glam, but completely comfortable at the same time.

The next room is called Sweet Dreams. I wanted to create the most feminine room ever, that I'll never have. I once painted a room pink after I got the idea from a Mariah Carey Cribs episode. Does anyone remember that one? My parents and I painted my purple sponged walls a pepto bismal pink that I was sure would dry lighter. Uh no. No subtlety there! This room is candy colored and sweet as can be. I love the princess canopy bed, the seafoam rug and the mixed metals from the bed, mirror, and chandelier.

The last room up is my Nightmare Room, which is really more sexy and vampy than anything. The lacquered red walls, the tuffted leather sleigh bed, the grey zebra print rug. Va-Va-Voom! Can you imagine wearing that robe and slinking into this room to have your way with, well, I'll leave that up to you. This room is so sexy, it's almost intimidating. It's like, you have to have a good time while you're there or ELSE!

So that's the first installment of my Inspiration Rooms. What is your "dream" room like? Are you more a sweetie pie, or do you have a little devilishness in your eyes?



  1. I love your Sleepyhead room, I want to sleep there every night!

  2. I love all these rooms but i prefer the 'sweet dreams' room. nice post!
